The film Inglourious Basterds is a film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. The film stared Brad Pitt as Lt. Aldo Raine and Christoph Waltz as Col. Landa. The fictional film focused on several assassination attempts at the life of the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
The film was warmly received by viewers and became Mr. Tarantinos's highest grossing film to date ($320,351,773). It also received several nominations and awards.
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The film was warmly received by viewers and became Mr. Tarantinos's highest grossing film to date ($320,351,773). It also received several nominations and awards.
Lt. Aldo Raine posing for the movie poster.
This figure was released by DID and was marketed as Pierre a french resistance fighter.
I got the figure loose and thought of bashing him as Lt. Aldo Raine, since he kinda look like an older version of the Hot Toy Aldo Raine.
Close up of the head sculpt. He really looks older with all the white hair.
I added the M1911 side arm and two model 24 stick grenades.
The model 24 grenades was used by the German troops during WW2, it was nicknamed potato masher.
Like in the poster i equipped him with a MP40 Maschinenpistole or Machine Pistol.
The MP40 was a sub machine gun used by the Nazi army during WW2.
It was commonly used by platoon and squad leaders.
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